The Marketing Island Connection

It's Time to Get Marketing Off the Island

While it might seem obvious, or even simplistic, the key to great marketing outcomes depends on how effectively a team can run initiatives with clarity and cohesion, while also aligning to a company’s overarching goals. Which in the world of marketing often means at a moment's notice.

Yet even some of the most recognized enterprises in the world don’t quite operate in this way – leaving marketing on an island. They are left to define their own priorities and even struggle to highlight their value to the organization. So how do we fix this?

Enterprise marketers working together

Redefining the “magic” of marketing

While marketing is no stranger to software and technology – armed with everything from automation and CRM platforms to design and social tools – building a well-defined process for project management can often be an afterthought (if it’s considered at all). And it’s not hard to understand why; marketing teams tend to operate at full speed and taking the time out to implement new processes can feel like an impossible task.

Additionally, marketing experts are often unfamiliar with project management practices and conditioned for reactivity – having the ability to spin up projects with an expertise that seems to defy the need for an additional layer of pre-planning. It’s even been described as “marketing magic” – no one is quite sure how it all gets done, but it does.

But in the end, even the most “magical” of marketing teams can start to feel pain when project management isn’t at the foundation of their work. As teams scale, wires get crossed, confusion takes over, and team members can experience burnout due to pivoting priorities and a lack of focus. 

This is where a tightly defined work management solution can unite marketing teams and create a lasting foundation for speed and scalability. And when the marketing team is more tightly integrated with each other – as well as the greater organization – the benefits are far-reaching. 

  • Increased efficiency: By sharing resources and collaborating on projects, marketing can save time and reduce duplication of efforts. This can lead to increased efficiency and productivity, as well as cost savings.
  • Improved customer acquisition and retention: Marketing can gain a better understanding of customer needs and preferences, which can help it develop targeted and effective marketing campaigns. This can lead to improved customer acquisition and retention rates.
  • Enhanced data analytics: Marketing can gain access to a wider range of data and analytics tools, which can help it better understand customer behavior and develop more effective marketing strategies.
  • Improved brand reputation: Marketing can help ensure that the organization is presenting a consistent and positive brand image to customers. This can improve brand reputation and lead to increased customer loyalty.
  • Enhanced product development: Marketing can provide valuable input on customer needs and preferences, which can help the organization develop more effective and successful products. Understanding the company roadmap can also help the marketing team plan promotions and campaigns to elevate new product features and awareness.

When marketing is aligned, everyone wins

This much-needed alignment, facilitated by technology, creates a marketing  environment ready for anything. With work organized for shared visibility, this opens up the opportunity to better collaborate with Sales, HR, IT, and other key departments. 

When marketing works cohesively with other departments, it helps marketers more clearly understand the priorities of these groups and align efforts and schedules accordingly. Budget and resource allocation also improves, ensuring a marketing team is making the most impactful use of its resources. Which as a result, allows marketers to drive the momentum enterprises need to sustain growth, support the growing customer base and build revenue streams.

Build a bridge with Tenon

The days of last-minute scrambling, unforeseen deadlines, and “where are we at with that?” are a thing of the past. 

Tenon was created to bridge the gaps between marketing functions and the greater organization. At the enterprise level, Tenon's Marketing Work Management solution leverages the built-in security, compliance, and trust your business expects. And with intuitive templates, automated approvals, and workflows built specifically for marketers, Tenon allows teams to plan and execute campaigns, projects, and overall marketing work with speed and at scale. 

In addition to streamlining work, unifying marketers with work management gives marketing teams:

  • Employee satisfaction. Marketers finally get a comprehensive, easy-to-use tool made just for them. And when their job is easier, they’re less inclined to leave the team.
  • Knowledge. Marketing teams create consistent practices that help consolidate and templatize workflows for the future campaigns and team members. 
  • A stronger enterprise culture. As a marketing team aligns with other business units, they build trust and credibility as a valuable partner. 
  • A happier IT department. Because Tenon is built on ServiceNow, allowing IT to work out of a trusted platform already used across the enterprise.

Tenon, Marketing Work Management for Enterprise Teams

Tenon is a Work Management solution developed exclusively for Marketers. We provide a single space for marketing teams to organize and collaborate on campaigns, projects, and tasks so everyone stays in the loop from start to finish. Built on ServiceNow, we're powered by a platform already used by IT, HR, Finance, and Customer Service, so your company can collaborate and get work done like never before.

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Two team members smiling while looking over documents with other marketers in their team

With Tenon, you no longer need to start a project management practice from scratch.

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